Monti-Wellness Terme
Scritto da Damianos Damianakos   
giovedì 23 febbraio 2017
Autore schedaM. Marvisi, N. Messori Gambini
ToponimoMonticelli Terme (PR)
Anno di progetto2015
Docente tutorD.Damianokos, M.Cillis
Tipologia funzionaleGiardino
Superficie504 ha
Densità abitativa



The project of the new Monticelli Terme, try to be a critical reflection on the existing city, aimed at giving a suitable form to some key aspects such as roads, urban green spaces and the organization of neighborhoods. The definition of the project of the new city was born as a result of a historical analysis of the same, by analyzing the historical path we have tried to make sense of the location of the town and you start to wonder what were the aspects of functioning and which could be improved. Initially, with the development of more schematic models we have tried to anticipate some of the possible structure of the city life of the project, emphasizing different aspects, problems and possible solutions. The city of Monticelli Terme at present, has appeared as an area still devoid of identity, grew up without a clear rational organization. It is shown that the land area occupied by residential construction, housing and public use has grown around the thermal baths. This figure appeared to us as a first element of strength to build on. The new town of Monticelli Terme began focusing on just the baths, connecting element and reference throughout the city, around which they develop the various neighborhoods and parks. In favor of the central role of the thermal baths, we tried to create a direct link between the services offered from the spa treatments and the city. In this way nature enters strongly within the urban area. Penetrating into the city, the green is not just a piece of furniture, but a fragment living closely related to other urban components with which it is able to communicate and produce scenarios appropriate to the performance of activities and functions related to the morale and welfare citizen and environmental quality of the city. Allowing the green space to contribute significantly to the improvement of the microclimate thanks to the plant component can mitigate environmental imbalances of the contemporary city; through real initiatives of structural integration of the green with the built today you can help reduce the use of energy resources.


The new town of Monticelli Terme is spread over an area of 504 ha, with a total population of 21,348 inhabitants and territorial density of 42.35 inhabitants / ha. The city was designed with the main intention of organizing the districts more efficiently, offering more services and outdoor areas, by enhancing connections type pedestrian, bicycle and public transport, paying particular attention to the issue of eco -sostenibilità environment, and creating spaces and meeting places, also of cultural, social and business to facilitate communications. For the breakdown of neighborhoods and urban spaces it has been decided to take account of existing proven features such as main roads, the rows and the plot of the farmlands. As for the urban park the idea was to bring the spa treatments in the open air and then create a park that would enhance the senses inserting paths of chromotherapy, aromatherapy and soundtherapy.


The city is divided into six districts, one industrial, one which includes the services of higher order and four residential with different population densities. Two of them have a density of about 63 inhabitants / hectare, others have greater density, respectively, of about 90 inhabitants / hectare and 76 inhabitants / hectare. Each district has been developed considering the main roads, secondary, the pedestrian and cycle paths and services. The latter, made up of functions of necessities such as administrative, cultural and religious school, were distributed uniformly over the entire urban fabric within each residential area, centered in areas as much as possible, thus facilitating the use of users and residents. For each quarter are calculated the areas relating to public parks, schools, areas of common interest and parking and have been verified accordingly with planning standards. To calculate the density and spatial relationships minimum for collective activities, reference was made to the DM 1444 of 02/04/1968. 


For residential developments, the minimum ratios, mentioned in article 17 - the penultimate paragraph - Law 765, are set to such an extent as to ensure for each inhabitant - established or to be set up - the minimum provision, mandatory, 18 square meters for public or reserved to collective activities, public parks or parking, with the exception of the space available for offices roads. The total amount to be distributed normally, as follows: 

a) 4.50 square meters of areas for education: nurseries, kindergartens and primary schools; 

b) 2.00 square meters of land for facilities of common interest: religious, cultural, social, welfare, health, administrative, to public services (post and telegraph offices, civil protection, etc.) and other; 

c) 9.00 square meters of land for park and public spaces equipped for the game and the sport, actually used for such plants with the exception of green belts along the roads; 

d) 2.50 square meters of parking areas. 

The following are the explanatory table of the verification of urban standards for each district; depending on the extension of the neighborhoods and the population density have been integrated into each appropriate planning standards, having as guideline the idea to put about half of the neighborhood green must, near the lower schools, and the rest divided into small parks spread over the entire surface of the neighborhoods. The parking spaces provided for each district were counted taking into account mainly of the on-street parking provided on the viability traveling speed of 15-30 km / h.


The viability of the new town of Monticelli Terme has been studied trying to make it as smooth as possible, but adapting it to a set of guidelines voted very important for the project; We have tried to focus on the slow mobility, walking and cycling, especially in respect of the direct relationship between residential neighborhoods (those with greater population density) and the urban park. Consequently, the vehicular traffic, especially the extra-urban road network of expressways diverting heavy traffic from the city center, is only present on two fronts, in order not to interrupt this direct access. The types of roads classified by their location, size and speed, are summarized below: 

- Road suburban rails - speed limit is 70 km/h 

Arterial road with one lane in each direction, separated carriageway by a green area and appropriate docks; It has the function of making the town divorced from the problems of traffic flow and extra-heavy. It ensures a high level of service for the final or initial displacement of exchange between suburban and urban land, and transporting members of their long distance in the urban.

- Urban Road slider - Speed limit is 50 km/h 

Arterial road with one lane in each direction, is at roadways separated by a wooded area and has the function of making the town detached from the problems of urban traffic flow. 

In the external part there is provided a pedestrian path for each direction of travel, while the path is placed at the side of the roadway.

- Road of urban neighborhood - Maximum permitted speed is 40 km/h 

Road which divides the city into districts. It has the same characteristics of the urban road scroll from which it differs for the insertion of parking along the roadway, for roadways of reduced dimensions which ensure a lower traveling speed and consequently a greater importance given to cyclists thanks to the extension of the runway path.

- Interdistrict road - speed limit is 30 km/h 

Road that acts as the link between sectors and neighboring districts or between extreme areas of the same district. The factor of the circulation of the traffic is in the alternative to social functions and relationships of the residents of the street; on those streets are spaces for children to play, points with benches and chairs to encourage the meeting and the socialization of residents; the bike path has been suppressed because the earlier they have acquired cyclists on the roadway vehicle.

- Local Urban Road - speed limit is 15 km/h 

Road, serving internally neighborhoods, is fully paved, is a space where there are no undifferentiated path or sidewalks, as the normal hierarchy among the subjects of the circulation is reversed: pedestrians and cyclists always take precedence, even on the road, while vehicles must prudent measures and proceed at speeds up to 10-15 km / h. These speeds are ensured by a number of traffic calming measures such as speed bumps, chicanes, roundabouts, central islands raised flower beds and green.

- Bicycle and pedestrian paths 

The pedestrian paths are distributed evenly across the whole viability of the project, providing firmness to the new city of Rubiera, which is configured as an area easily penetrable through networks of slow mobility. 

- Public transport 

To further make the city livable were provided three lines for public transportation, crossing the city on the road to travel speed of 40 km / h. These lines are responsible to serve mainly the district services of a higher order, where they condense most of the points of the city such as hospital, railway station, schools, shopping centers and sports center; then reaching the various roads Urban neighborhood and the industrial area, where making more than one stop.


The new town of Monticelli Terme has a large urban park from large special. In fact, it wants to resume typical of spa treatments and cures, especially chromotherapy, aromatherapy and soundtherapy. The idea stems from the desire to create open spaces and public able to raise all the senses in one location. This sensitization occurs naturally through the use of trees, shrubs, flowers and bushes by the particular characteristics ritrovabili in the individual section. As for the trees present in aromatherapy, they were selected trees, both at low stem tall trees, capable of producing, through flowers, leaves or fruits, flavorings definitely good taste. As for the color therapy were selected trees in low and high trunk capable of producing, during the flowering, a coloration on, that goes from blue to red, to yellow, orange and pink. In the part dedicated to the sound therapy instead, it was decided to support the use of various species of birds. Everything has been thought for a continuous supply season to ensure a blanket bloom throughout the year and ensure the service of therapies in all weathers.


DE MARCHI LEONARDO, “Archeologia della preistoria – tra Parmense e Reggiano”, Graphital Edizioni, Parma, 2003

FIORINI FRANCO, “All’ombra di un castello – Montechiarugolo attraverso i secoli”, Grafiche Step Editrice, Parma, 1985

PUNTO BLU, “1982-2007 Monticelli Terme – 25 anni di storia, di immagini, di volti e di nomi”, Editrice Punto Blu, Monticelli Terme, 2007

VILLANI ROMANO, “Monticelli Terme – Al me paés”, Cabiria, Parma, 2014



Istituto Geografico Militare,

Montechiarugolo Municipality,
Inquadramento territoriale
Planimetria scala 1:10000
Planimetria scala 1:2000
Sezioni stradali
Progetto del parco urbano
Ultimo aggiornamento ( giovedì 23 febbraio 2017 )